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加拿大城市电视台专访视频 | 土豆视频 | 温哥华都市报专访 | 参展与获奖 |
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刘力源 毕业于北京清华美院染服系,从小热爱绘画并开始学习绘画,对古典艺术和现代艺术有一定研究,热爱并擅长研究人物绘画和创作。现居温哥华,师从著名油画家薛雁群先生和书法国画大师梁照堂先生多年。 除绘画外也从事申请北美名校美术指导工作。帮助学生申请北美和欧洲名校已有多年经验,100%成功!熟悉北美和欧洲美术名校申请机制,曾多次亲历拜访参观欧美近20所艺术名校!带学生对北美十多所学校进行考察指导,学生在世界杯艺术绘画大赛中获奖众多。刘力源老师在《都市报》、《环球华报》、《他乡》和《高度》等媒体上连续刊登专业美术升学指导文章,并接受个人专访。2017年接受加拿大城市电视《风采》和《都市有约》栏目个人专访。同时接受加拿大华语电台《美术专题访谈》和《美术名校的升学指导系列直播》受到广大听众的欢迎。 2021年、2022年两次参加温哥华艺术家联展,有五幅作品参展。
Quarterly Art Review》。
作品《画室》获得瑞士HelvetArt 线上画展优秀奖。
她的油画《连接》作为代表性艺术家的作品发表于Artexpo New York 2023
9 月
28 日至
10 月
28 日油画作品“链接”“布局”“涅槃”“泡沫”“蝴蝶”在伦敦油画比赛被选中进行为期一个月的虚拟展
2023年9月20日,作品“涅槃”、“眼光”参加意大利佛罗伦萨双年展 2023年11月,作品“涅槃”、“眼光”参加瑞士第十九届国际艺术博览会
San Francisco于11
月 16 日至
19 日现场展示。 2024年1月16日油画作品“链接”被选中在《圆艺术评论季刊》第10期刊登 2024年1月18日油画作品“眼光”和“链接”被选中参加2024加拿大艺术家在线展览 2024年2月12日,油画“眼光”入围上主办的亚洲当代艺术联盟《女性之声》在线展览
届威尼斯双年展和 MoMA 版 WOA 当代艺术杂志特别版。
Liu Liyuan graduated from the dyeing and fashion department of
Beijing Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts. She has started painting since
childhood, and has studied both classical art and modern art. Liu Liyuan
who is specialized in figure painting and portrait painting. She is now
living in Vancouver.
Liu Liyuan started the Vancouver Visual Art Studio from 2012 until
now, focusing on guiding students to apply to famous art and design
colleges around the world.
She has continuously published guidance articles on professional art
entrance education in
Metropolis Daily, Global Chinese News, and Foreign Country, The
Height. At the same time, she accepted The Style and Urban Appintment
programs for personal interviews.
Her watercolor paintings were also awarded in an American online
exhibition, and some of her paintings were included in the French artist
magazine ”Circle Quarterly Art Review”.
Her work "Studio" won the Excellence Award at the HelvetArt online
art exhibition in Switzerland.
The work "Layout" won the third prize in the 5th American Women
Artists Painting Competition, and won the Excellence Award of the 162nd
British Association of Women Artists Annual Exhibition, and will be
exhibited in London in May 2023.
"The Buterfly" and "Mask" won the first prize in the International
Art Competition of the French Circle Art Foundation, and was the only
one sponsored to participate in the "2023 International Art Exhibition",
the United States New York.
Her oil painting "Connection" was published in New York Artexpo 2023
Visionary News as a representative artist's work, and 4 works were
published in the magazine "50 Artists to Watch in 2023" published in
"Underwater Tango" and "Nirvana" won the Excellence Award in the
"Blue" theme painting competition in the United States.
The oil paintings "Link", "Layout", "Nirvana",
"Bubble" and "Butterfly" were selected for a month-long virtual
exhibition at the London Oil Painting Competition from September 28 to
October 28, 2023
In October 2023, five of her works "Layout", "Connection", "Bubble",
"Mask" and "Struggle" were published in the famous publication "World
Art" issued by the Guggenheim in the United States, and won the Best Art
and Creativity Award, and was named the 2023 Artist of the Year by World
In November 2023, the oil paintings "Link", "Eye"
and "Nirvana" won awards in a competition held by TERAVARNA and
participated in the on-site display at Superfine San Francisco from
November 16th to 19th. On January 16, 2024, the oil painting "Link" was
selected for publication in the 10th issue of "Circle Art Review
Quarterly" On January 18, 2024, the oil paintings "Eye" and
"Link" were selected to participate in the 2024 Canadian Artists Online
Exhibition On February 12, 2024, the oil painting "Vision"
was shortlisted for the Asian Contemporary Art Alliance's "Women's
Voice" online exhibition hosted in Shanghai.
November 18, 2024, six paintings were published in the special edition
of the global 60th Venice Biennale and MoMA WOA Contemporary Art
Magazine of MoMA Magazine, the second largest art museum in the United
日期 | 艺术活动 | 地点 |
2021年9月 | 作品《诽谤》、《浮沉》参加温哥华华人艺术家画展 | 加拿大温哥华 |
2022年4月 | 组织举办温哥华视觉美术工作室师生作品展 | 加拿大温哥华 |
2022年5月 | 作品《挣扎》《布局》《涅槃》参加温哥华华人美术家画展 | 加拿大温哥华 |
2022年7月 | 作品《蝴蝶》《诽谤》参加温哥华线上华人书画展 | 加拿大温哥华 |
2022年7月14日 | 作品《布局》入选法国艺术基金会并登载于著名杂志《艺术评论》 | 法国 |
2022年8月3日 | 作品《画室》获瑞士 Helvet Art美术作品展优秀奖 | 瑞士 |
2022年8月9日 | 作品《花卉》1、2号获美国水彩花卉线上画展提名奖 | 美国 |
2022年10月15日 | 作品《布局》获美国第五届女艺术家绘画大赛三等奖 | 美国 |
2022年10月28日 |
作品《蝴蝶》《口罩》获法国圆形艺术基金会国际艺术大赛一等奖 唯一被赞助参加美国纽约“国际艺术画展”(2023/3/30-4/2) |
法国、美国 |
2023年5月5日 | 作品《荷马》在美国第五届静物绘画大赛中荣获“天才”奖 | 美国 |
2023年5月 | 作品《布局》荣获英国162届女艺术家协会年展优秀奖 | 英国 |
2023年 | 作品《花卉》荣获美国第六届水彩大赛“天才奖” | 美国 |
2023年 | 《水下探戈》《涅槃》荣获美国“蓝色“主题绘画大赛优秀奖 | 美国 |
刘力源生活及工作图片 Liyuan Liu's Photos